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All of Your Face Lift Questions Answered

Face Lift

Face Lift

Do you have hanging jowls and sagging skin around the cheeks? These issues are a common complaint among people with more mature skin. 

While many beauty products can address age-related changes, few of them can tighten skin and resolve sagging. One of the most effective ways to get tighter, smoother skin is by having a facelift performed.

Face lift surgery can lift the skin and create a more youthful complexion overall. At Soler Cosmetic Plastic Surgery in Tampa, FL, we offer full facelifts and mini facelifts for clients looking to address their sagging skin. To better understand facelift procedures, check out some of the most common questions and concerns patients have about the treatment.

What Is a Face Lift?

A facelift is a plastic surgical procedure that aims to create a more youthful appearance. The technical name for a facelift is “rhytidectomy.” Rhytidectomy procedures lift the facial skin and place it in a higher, tighter position on the face. This resolves common signs of aging, like sagging and facial creasing. 

Who Should Have a Facelift?

Facelift surgery is designed for clients with mature skin. This is often people in their late 40s and older, but it may include younger patients in some cases. These clients have seen a significant change in their skin due to age-related changes like collagen decline and volume loss. 

To be a candidate for rhytidectomy, your signs of aging must be more pronounced than mild fine lines and wrinkles. The point of a facelift is to lift and tighten the skin. This is ideal for clients with moderate to severe sagging, wrinkles, or creasing. 

If you have mild fine lines or wrinkles, a less extensive option may be a better fit. These options include non-surgical treatments like Botox and dermal fillers.

If you are interested in facelift surgery, a consultation appointment can determine whether you are a good candidate for the procedure. 

We will go over the procedure and discuss your cosmetic goals to ensure that you have a full understanding of the process. We also evaluate your signs of aging to determine whether another treatment could meet your needs instead.

Is a Facelift Performed Under Anesthesia?

Facelift procedures are performed under general anesthesia to allow for patient comfort and surgical precision. A local anesthetic will also be administered wherever incisions are being made. This makes it more comfortable for you when you awake from your surgery. 

Since facelifts are performed under general anesthesia, you will need to get complete medical clearance from your regular physician. This ensures that you are healthy enough to be put under general anesthesia.

What Is a Mini Face Lift?

Also known as a “quick lift,” a mini facelift is an amended version of facelift surgery that is less extensive than traditional rhytidectomy. A mini facelift is performed when patients have sagging or wrinkles around the mid-face and jawline. This includes hanging jowls and creasing around the mouth. 

A mini facelift is a popular option among patients who do not want to undergo full facelift procedures. Mini facelifts require much smaller incisions than traditional facelift surgery. The recovery time after a mini facelift is shorter, allowing patients to get back to their regular activity in a matter of days.

How Long Does a Facelift Take?

The duration of your facelift procedure will vary depending on your needs. A full rhytidectomy can take anywhere from two to six hours to complete. A mini facelift takes about one to two hours to complete. This includes time spent in pre-op and being put under anesthesia. 

Immediately after your facelift, you will be required to remain in an aftercare area for monitoring. Most patients are able to return home the same day as their procedure.

What Is Recovery Like After a Facelift?

After a facelift, you must avoid certain activities for several weeks. These activities include strenuous exercise and anything that could cause direct trauma to the face. For about four to six weeks, you cannot apply pressure to your face, including laying face down on a pillow or having a facial massage. 

Your face may have bandaging or compression pieces in place to support optimal healing. There will be stitches in place as well. These will typically be removed after about one week.

Other than these restrictions, most patients can resume their normal activity about one week after a facelift. After a mini facelift, many patients can return to work and their usual activities within days.

Do Face Lifts Leave Scarring Behind?

During a facelift, discreet incisions are made along the hairline and behind the ears. These incisions can easily be covered, minimizing the appearance of any potential scarring. Scarring is less likely to develop with proper aftercare, including specific topical treatments.

Will My Facelift Results Be Permanent?

Facelift results can last for several years after your surgery. With that being said, they will not be permanent. Age-related changes will still occur within your skin, including a decline in collagen and elastin. These changes will eventually lead to new wrinkles and sagging that can alter the outcome of your facelift.

Schedule Your Consultation for Facelift Surgery 

Are you looking to resolve wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin? One of the best ways to achieve a more youthful-looking face is by getting a rhytidectomy. Facelift surgery can lift and tighten your sagging skin while smoothing out wrinkles. 

At Soler Cosmetic Plastic Surgery, we offer traditional facelifts and mini facelift procedures. We work with clients throughout Tampa, FL, and the surrounding area. Schedule your facelift consultation by calling us directly or contacting us online.

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