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Can You Benefit from a Tummy Tuck?

Tummy Tuck

Tummy Tuck

Tummy tucks remain one of the most popular cosmetic surgical procedures in the country, with an average of 100,000 procedures done each year, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Tummy tucks can help improve your abdomen’s appearance, giving you a smoother, more toned look. 

Our skilled plastic surgeons at Soler Cosmetic Plastic Surgery provide tummy tuck surgery. Learn if this procedure is a good option for you and what you can expect from the process. 

What Is Tummy Tuck Surgery?

A tummy tuck, also called an abdominoplasty, can help remove excess fat and skin from the abdominal region while also tightening the connective tissues, or fascia. 

There are various reasons you may have excess skin in the abdominal area. These include: 

This procedure can give you a flatter look in your midsection, and it is well suited for both men and women. Abdominoplasty can be a good choice for people who have tried exercising and dieting but have not had success in firming up their abdominal region. 

We can offer a full abdominoplasty procedure, which is the right choice for people who have moderate to severe excess skin or fat. For this procedure, we make an incision at the bikini line and then shape and manipulate the muscle and skin to achieve the results you want. 

We also offer modified tummy tucks for people who need repairs to only the abdominal muscle wall or skin. We offer mini-tummy tucks, too. These are for people who have less excess skin, and it is a shorter procedure that requires smaller incisions. 

It is important to understand that a tummy tuck is not liposuction. Liposuction can be part of the procedure, but it is not always included in an abdominoplasty. 

The best candidates for tummy tuck surgery are people who are in good health and at a stable weight. It is best if you are not a smoker. 

If you are planning on having children in the future, are pregnant or breastfeeding, want to lose a significant amount of weight, have clotting issues, or have serious health conditions, you may not be a good candidate for a tummy tuck. 

What Benefits Does a Tummy Tuck Offer?

Getting rid of excess skin after a significant weight loss or after pregnancy is difficult, especially around the abdomen. A tummy tuck can let you do this in a way that leaves your midsection smoother and tighter. 

A tummy tuck can also help strengthen your core by strengthening your abdominal muscles. A stronger core can offer its own benefits, like helping with lower back pain and preventing hernias. 

When there is too much pressure on your bladder and urethra, you can develop stress urinary incontinence. A tummy tuck may help alleviate this condition. 

Preparing for a Tummy Tuck

To assess whether you are a good candidate for tummy tuck surgery, you will have to schedule a consultation with us. We will look at your full medical history, consider any allergies you may have, and more. A medical evaluation and blood work may be required to ensure you are healthy enough to go through surgery. 

Tell us about all of the medications and supplements you take, including herbal ones. 

We recommend you start preparing for the tummy tuck as early as possible. You should quit smoking, as well as using any other nicotine products, at least six weeks before surgery. At the same time, begin adjusting to a healthier diet to strengthen your body for the tummy tuck. 

Two weeks before the procedure, stop taking ibuprofen, aspirin, and other blood-thinning medications or supplements. You also want to stop drinking alcohol. 

The day before the procedure, make sure to keep yourself hydrated and eat healthy meals. Remember not to drink or eat anything at least eight hours before surgery. 

Tummy Tucks and Aftercare

Come to our clinic wearing loose clothing that you can button or zip up so that you do not have to pull anything over your head. Don’t wear makeup, contact lenses, or jewelry. Do bring any medications you need to take after the surgery. 

Keep in mind that we will give you general anesthesia, so you will not be able to drive yourself home. You will need someone to do this for you. 

The procedure can take about two to three hours, and we will monitor you in the recovery room for another hour before you can go home. We will show you how to clean the drains as your incisions heal, and we will give you a compression garment to wear. 

You need to rest and avoid moving too much as you recover. Plan to avoid doing anything strenuous for at least six weeks. Make sure that you take the anticoagulants and antibiotics we will give you.

We’ll ask you to sleep on an incline the first few nights. Remember to take short walks each day to keep the blood flowing. We will let you know when you can begin driving again and when you can return to your regular level of activity. 

Turn to Experts in Tampa, FL

A tummy tuck can be the solution to excess skin and fat in your midsection. It can allow you to get a more toned look so that you feel and look your best. 

At Soler Cosmetic Plastic Surgery in Tampa, FL, we offer traditional, modified, and mini tummy tucks for men and women. Learn more about these procedures by scheduling a consultation today. 

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