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How a Tummy Tuck Can Smooth Your Abdominal Region

Tummy Tuck

Tummy Tuck

Many of our clients struggle with a bit of extra bulge in the abdominal area. Whether you’ve gained some excess weight, seen a shift in how you carry your weight, or gone through a pregnancy, a tummy tuck can help you contour and smooth your abdominal region. 

Tummy tucks are one of the most requested cosmetic surgeries at Soler Cosmetic Plastic Surgery because they deliver fantastic results.

What Is Abdominoplasty?

Abdominoplasty, known as tummy tuck surgery, helps patients enhance their abdominal contours and eliminate extra bulges. During a tummy tuck, we remove excess skin and fat from the stomach region, resulting in a tighter abdomen. We also repair any damage to the underlying stomach muscles, which commonly occurs during pregnancy.

We can combine a tummy tuck surgery with other procedures, like liposuction or breast augmentation. Many women who go through childbirth request a mommy makeover, which combines all three procedures to restore the body’s pre-pregnancy contours.

What Happens During Tummy Tuck Surgery?

Before undergoing tummy tuck surgery, you’ll meet with us for a consultation. During your appointment, we’ll discuss your medical history and treatment goals to determine whether you’re a good candidate for the procedure. We may recommend other treatments alongside the tummy tuck if they help you meet your objectives.

We recommend that you be within 10 to 15 pounds of your goal weight before surgery. We’ve found that being within this range tends to provide the most dramatic results. 

Your tummy tuck will begin with general anesthesia. We’ll make a horizontal cut just below the bikini area. We’ll use tools to separate the skin and underlying tissue from the muscles through the cut. The procedure will allow us to repair separated abdominal muscles, also known as diastasis recti.

Once we fix the muscles, we’ll pull down the skin in the upper abdominal region and remove any excess and extra fat. Once complete, we’ll close the incision and transfer you to our recovery room.

A full abdominoplasty is an outpatient procedure. It typically requires only a few hours to complete. When we’ve finished the surgery and you’ve recovered from the anesthesia, we’ll release you to recover fully from the comfort of your home. 

You’ll need to return to our office for several checkups after the surgery to ensure your recovery is proceeding smoothly. Tummy tucks take some time to heal, so you should plan for a week or two away from work, and it will be at least six weeks before you can handle any strenuous activity.

What Is a Mini Tummy Tuck?

A mini tummy tuck is much less invasive than a full tummy tuck. Mini tummy tucks are surgical procedures that eliminate a pooch below the belly button. While the placement of the initial incision remains the same, there’s no need to separate the muscles and the skin. 

During a mini tummy tuck, we simply remove excess skin and fat from the pooch area before closing the incision. A mini tummy tuck requires less than an hour to perform, and you can choose between local or general anesthesia.

Recovery time for a mini tummy tuck is shorter than for a full abdominoplasty. You may be able to return to work within a week. 

However, patients should not expect the dramatic results they’d receive from an abdominoplasty from a mini tummy tuck.

What Are the Benefits of a Tummy Tuck?

There are multiple benefits to obtaining a tummy tuck. Here are a few.

Better Fitting Clothes

When you’re carrying a little extra flab around your midsection, it can be challenging to find jeans and pants that fit appropriately. You might find that your clothes need tailoring or that you need to buy larger sizes that fit your midsection but don’t align properly with your hips and thighs. A tummy tuck can make it easier to find clothing that properly fits.

Better Core Strength

If you’ve recently given birth and are experiencing diastasis recti, a tummy tuck can alleviate your issues and repair damaged muscles. During a tummy tuck, we tighten the muscles to improve their strength. Once you heal from the procedure, you’ll find that your exercise routine provides even more robust benefits to your abdominal region.

Enhanced Posture

Weak abdominal muscles can result in poor posture. When we repair the muscles of the core through a tummy tuck, you’ll find you’ll stand straighter. There won’t be a pooch that pulls you forward when you’re walking or sitting down.

Motivation for Better Health

Tummy tucks are an investment. Typically, once people undergo the procedure and see their results, they gain lots of inspiration to maintain them. Many of our clients embark on healthier regimens following their tummy tucks. They may exercise more and be more aware of their diet plans.

Increased Bladder Control

Many people with urinary incontinence find their condition improves following a tummy tuck. Since the procedure leads to better core strength, patients might have less urge to use the bathroom. A reduction in urinary incontinence leads to improved quality of life.

Fewer Health Risks

Excess weight in the abdominal region contributes to certain health risks, including heart attacks, strokes, and diabetes. In some cases, lots of excess skin can lead to fungal infections. When you undergo a tummy tuck, we remove extra fat and skin, which can reduce your risk of developing certain health conditions.

Learn More About Abdominoplasty

If you believe an abdominoplasty is the right solution for you, contact Soler Cosmetic Plastic Surgery in Tampa, FL, to schedule your consultation. We’ll evaluate your medical history and personal objectives to determine whether tummy tuck surgery can help you meet your goals. 

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