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How Long Does Gynecomastia Treatment Take?

Breast Augmentation gynecomastia 6

Breast Augmentation gynecomastia 6

Gynecomastia is an incredibly common medical condition characterized by overdevelopment of male breast tissue. This condition results in physical, mental, and emotional discomfort. However, Dr. Soler has years of experience at Soler Cosmetic Plastic Surgery in Tampa, FL correcting male breasts using several modalities. Here’s what you need to know.

How Long Does Gynecomastia Treatment Take?

The average gynecomastia treatment will take between one and six hours depending on the type and cause of the condition. The modality used to treat the condition will also affect how long the treatment takes. Finally, the number of procedures performed must be taken into account to provide an accurate assessment of how long the treatment will take.

Which Correction Method Is Right for Me?

If your BMI is somewhere between 18.5 and 24.9 and you have the appearance of male breasts, excision is the right correction method for you. This method involves making small, discrete incisions that allow Dr. Soler to excise the excess male breast tissue. Depending on the severity of your condition, he may also remove excess skin tissue and tighten your skin tissue.

If you are overweight or obese, there’s a good chance you will only need liposuction to correct the appearance of male breasts. However, it is possible you may have both significant fatty tissue deposits and excess glandular tissue. In such cases, a combination of excision and liposuction will be the appropriate correction method for you.

What Type of Gynecomastia Do I Have?

There are three types of this condition, known as florid, fibrous, and intermediate, and the only way to know which you have is to come in for an initial evaluation. Here is a brief overview of how to identify the type of condition you have:


The first variation of this condition is known as the florid variation of the condition and is usually seen within the first four months of the condition developing. It is characterized by an increase in vascularity and ductal tissue. In other words, you can clearly see the veins in your chest at all times, and your chest looks softer and more feminine.

If you have this type of condition, you may feel comfortable taking off your shirt in front of friends and family. However, your breast tissue may feel uncomfortable when you run and jump while playing sports.


The fibrous variation of this condition is usually identified between months four and 12 of the initial development. It is characterized by a few ducts and an increase in stromal fibrosis. If you have this form of the condition, you will probably feel uncomfortable taking off your shirt in front of others.

You may also start to wear compression shirts under larger shirts to hide your developing breast tissue. At this stage of the condition, you may wear two compression garments over your chest to bind your breast tissue and prevent it from bouncing when you run and jump.


At around the 12-month mark, the intermediate variation of the condition presents itself and can be identified by how far it has transitioned from florid to fibrous. You will not feel comfortable taking off your shirt in front of other people, including those you are closest with. You may drop out of team sports you once enjoyed because your breast tissue hurts when you run.

What Can I Expect During Male Breast Reduction?

During male breast reduction, small, discrete incisions are made on the chest or under the arms so the excess male breast tissue can be removed. If you have excess skin, Dr. Soler will also remove your excess skin during your procedure. If you have a small amount of excess fat, that can be removed via excision during this procedure.

If you have loose skin, it will be tightened once any excess skin has been removed. If you have any concerns about the size, shape, or location of your nipples, let Dr. Soler know during your initial consultation and he will discuss your options with you. Depending on the extent of your procedure, it may last between one and two hours.

What Can I Expect During Liposuction?

At Soler Cosmetic Plastic Surgery in Tampa, FL, Dr. Soler uses the safest, most effective liposuction method to remove a significant amount of fat cells permanently from the targeted area. For cases of pseudo gynecomastia, he usually removes excess fat through tiny, discrete incisions hidden under your arms or in the dark ridges of your nipple.

Because this condition is often a side effect of obesity, clients who require this treatment method usually require liposuction on their sides, hips, waist, or lower abdomen as well. Depending on the number of areas you need to have treated, your liposuction procedure may take anywhere from one to four hours.

How Long Will the Recovery Process Take?

While everyone heals at a different rate, you can expect your entire recovery process to take roughly six weeks. If you have a white-collar job, you can return to work within five to seven days of your procedure. If you have a blue-collar job, you may not return to work within 10 to 14 days of your procedure.

The entire recovery process takes six weeks because it takes roughly that long for your skin to settle appropriately. Whether you are having excess glandular tissue or excess fat removed, your skin needs time to “snap” closer to your sleeker body.

What Should I Do During My Recovery Process?

During the first 24 hours post-op, rest should be your top priority. Whether you are put under general anesthesia or intravenous sedation, you may feel drowsy during this time. Be patient with yourself and allow yourself to nap when you feel sleepy. We strongly recommend that you have someone stay with you to care for you and your household.

The day after your procedure, you should start taking regular walks between the rooms of your house. If you’re feeling well-rested you can walk outside. However, if you’re still feeling tired, walk inside so you can sit down and rest whenever you need to. Other things you should do during your recovery process include:


What Should I Avoid During My Recovery Process?

During your recovery process, avoid anything that can elevate your blood pressure. Besides tobacco products and alcohol, you should also avoid consuming over three mg of sodium daily, consuming over 200 mg of caffeine daily, and consuming excessively spicy foods.

Furthermore, you should avoid vigorous exercise and excessive heat. For example, you should avoid sunbathing, tanning beds, dry saunas, and steam rooms. Other things you should avoid during your recovery process include:


How Long Will the Treatment Results Last?

The longevity of treatment results depends on several factors, including the cause of your condition and your lifestyle. If you only appear to have breasts due to excess fat, your condition may reoccur if you gain a significant amount of weight after your liposuction.

Similarly, if your condition is caused by anabolic steroid use, and you don’t stop taking anabolic steroids, there is no guarantee that your condition will not return. However, if your condition developed due to hormonal imbalances, it will not return if you receive regular treatment for your hormonal imbalances.

What Causes This Condition?

There are several potential causes for this condition. The most common cause in men over the age of 24 is imbalanced hormones. The second most common cause of the condition is genetics. However, your condition may be caused by the use of certain medications, such as anabolic steroids.

Diagnosing the cause of your condition is extremely important. If it is caused by a lifestyle choice, such as steroid use, you can change your lifestyle once the condition is treated. This will prevent the condition from developing again in the future.

How Much Will My Procedure Cost?

If you do not have pseudo gynecomastia, your health insurance provider will probably cover the entire cost of your procedure. However, how much of the costs will be covered by your provider depends on your plan, your history of conservative treatments, and whether you have met your deductible for the year.

If you have any questions about financing options, please feel free to contact our friendly, helpful office.

Am I a Good Candidate for Male Breast Correction?

To determine if you are a good candidate for male breast reduction, liposuction, or both, you must come in for an initial evaluation. During your initial evaluation, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Soler will determine which variation of your condition you are experiencing or if it is actually just an excess of fat and skin tissue.

From there, he will tailor a treatment plan that is most appropriate for achieving your goals. When identifying good candidates for male breast correction, he also takes into account the physical and mental health of a potential candidate.

How Should I Prepare for My Initial Consultation?

To prepare for your initial consultation, make sure you feel comfortable talking about your medical history. Dr. Soler will review it with you in-depth. If you’re worried about forgetting any part of it, write it down. You should also be ready to tell him about all pharmaceuticals and nutritional supplements you have taken within the past two weeks.

You may need to stop taking certain medications in the six weeks leading up to and following your procedure. Furthermore, you may need to speak to your primary care physician about taking alternative medications. Certain drugs can lead to an over-development of male breast tissue. Finally, be prepared to articulate your aesthetic goals clearly.

How Should I Prepare for My Procedure?

Regardless of whether liposuction, male breast reduction or both are appropriate for you, the preparation is the same. In the six weeks leading up to your scheduled procedure, stop consuming tobacco and alcohol.

In the two weeks leading up to your procedure, start drinking a gallon of water daily and stop taking blood thinners. The night before your procedure, get at least nine hours of sleep and wear a soft, button-up shirt to your appointment.

Learn More About Male Breast Correction Today

If you’re sick and tired of feeling self-conscious about your chest, you need gynecomastia treatment. If your case is mild-to-moderate in nature, your treatment will only take around an hour. If you have a moderate-to-severe case and you need several procedures to correct your male breasts, your treatment may take between two and six hours.

Regardless of the extent of correction you need, Dr. Soler will ensure you are satisfied with the final results. To schedule an initial consultation with the premier board-certified plastic surgeon in Southwest Florida, contact Soler Cosmetic Plastic Surgery in Tampa, FL at (813) 872-9560 today or book an appointment online.

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