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Where Can Liposuction Remove Fat From My Body?

Breast Augmentation liposuction 7

Breast Augmentation liposuction 7

Even if you eat well and exercise regularly, you might not be able to improve the appearance of stubborn fat deposits on your arms, stomach, and other areas on your body. These fat deposits can make you look heavier and less attractive than you actually are. Fortunately, you can permanently reduce your unwanted fat with liposuction. At Soler Cosmetic Plastic Surgery in Tampa, Florida, we can use this fat reduction method to give you a sleek new look.

Where Can Liposuction Remove Fat From My Body?

Liposuction is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that can permanently remove fat from targeted locations on your body. It is an ideal way to remove subcutaneous fat that you haven’t been able to improve on your own. After your procedure is complete, your target areas will be more proportional to the rest of your body.

We can use this technique to remove fat in a variety of different locations. For instance, this procedure can remove excess fat from your waist, hips, abdomen, upper arms, and thighs. In addition to these areas, this technique can be used to improve the appearance of your ankles, calves, and many other locations on your body.

This fat removal method can also improve the appearance of a prominent double chin. We can give you a sleeker profile by reducing unwanted fat under your chin.

Why Am I Struggling to Reduce My Unwanted Fat on My Own?

Unwanted fat on your thighs, waist, and other areas of your body is a very frustrating issue. There are several reasons why you may struggle to melt away these stubborn pockets of fat with diet and exercise.

Your Age

As you age, you will have increasing difficulty removing your excess fat by yourself. Your hormones and metabolism will change, and these developments will cause your body to store additional fat. Further, as you get older, you become more susceptible to injuries and illness. As a result, you may struggle to follow a regular exercise program. Adopting a less active lifestyle will cause you to gain unwanted fat.

Your Genes

Your genes influence your body’s propensity to store and gain unwanted fat. If your siblings and parents have difficulty keeping off unwanted fat, you will also have this issue. Similarly, if your relatives tend to store excess fat under their chins or on their stomachs, you will have frustrating fat deposits in these locations. These fat deposits are resistant to lifestyle changes, and you might not be able to reduce them by eating a balanced diet and exercising more frequently.

Your Fat Cells

The behavior of your fat cells can prevent you from contouring and sculpting your body. Your number of fat cells is largely set by the time you become an adult. When you eat better and exercise, your fat cells will shrink. As a result, your body will appear to be slimmer and more contoured. However, your total number of fat cells will not decrease.

If you adopt an unhealthy lifestyle, your fat cells will quickly increase in size. As a result, you will struggle to permanently reduce your fat and maintain a fit, contoured body.

An Ideal Solution

It’s common to feel disappointed and demoralized when your diet and exercise choices fail to change your body in a meaningful manner. Fortunately, you don’t have to rely on lifestyle changes to sculpt your body. Liposuction can provide lasting results by permanently removing fat cells from your target area.

How Does This Procedure Remove My Fat?

This procedure uses an innovative process to reduce your fat. We will begin by injecting fluid into your body. This fluid will make the removal process smoother and easier. Next, we will suction out your unwanted fat. Once you achieve the full benefits of this procedure, your target area will be slimmer and more contoured.

What Will My Appointment Be Like?

There’s no need for you to feel nervous or worried as you begin this procedure. This is a straightforward, outpatient appointment, and you will receive general anesthesia before we begin your procedure. The anesthesia will help you feel relaxed and comfortable during the fat removal process.

You can return to your home after the procedure is complete. We will give you a garment or compression tape that will cover your target areas and help your body recover.

What Will My Recovery Period Be Like?

Since your procedure will be tailored to fit your unique needs, the length of your recovery period will vary. That said, this procedure is very gentle, and you will be able to return to your job and other activities fairly quickly. In fact, your body might recover after about two to four weeks. You may take oral medications to help you feel comfortable as your body adjusts to your procedure.

You should follow some simple aftercare rules during this time. For instance, you should wear a compression garment for about a month, and after that point, you may wear lycra pants or spandex.

When Will I See the Full Effect of My Procedure?

This procedure does not provide immediate results. Since your body is unique, you may recover more or less quickly than other people. That said, you are likely to see the benefits of your procedure after about three to six months.

How Long Will My Results Last?

This procedure can permanently improve the appearance of your target areas. This technique will remove fat cells from a specified location on your body. This removal process is permanent, and your body will not regrow these specific cells.

Although this procedure provides lasting benefits, it cannot stop you from gaining weight in the future. If you adopt an unhealthy lifestyle, your remaining fat cells can increase in size and cause you to look heavier. To avoid dealing with this issue, you should eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly.

Can I Combine This Fat Reduction Method With Other Cosmetic Procedures?

It’s common to combine this procedure with other aesthetic techniques.

Tummy Tuck

If you are removing a large amount of fat, we may advise you to receive a tummy tuck in connection with your liposuction procedure. A tummy tuck is a procedure that improves the appearance of sagging or loose skin on your abdomen.

You can receive a mini tummy tuck or a more extensive procedure. During a mini tummy tuck, we will tighten the skin on your lower abdominal wall. This technique is a good way to repair your abdominal skin. A full tummy tuck is a longer, more involved procedure. This technique can be used to improve sagging skin above your belly button.

Brazilian Butt Lift

You can also have a Brazilian butt lift performed in connection with a fat reduction procedure. This technique uses fat cells that we remove from your target area to enhance the size of your buttocks. We will begin by removing fat from your desired location. Next, we will use a specialized process to prepare this fat for the next step of your procedure. After we have processed your fat cells, we will put these cells into your buttocks.

In addition to increasing the size of your buttocks, this procedure can make this feature look more contoured and symmetrical. Although your individual results will vary, you are likely to permanently retain about 70% of the fat that we transfer into your buttocks.

Can Out-of-Town Patients Receive This Procedure?

You don’t have to live in Tampa to receive this procedure from us. It’s common to travel to the city for your appointment. If you live more than fifty miles away from Tampa, you should plan to remain in the area for several days.  We will generally advise you to stay in Tampa for three to five days. After this period has passed, your incisions will close and you will feel more comfortable traveling.

If you are receiving this fat reduction procedure in connection with other cosmetic procedures, you may need to stay in Tampa for a longer period of time. For instance, we will advise you not to travel for seven to ten days after you receive a tummy tuck.

During our initial meeting, we can provide you with more details about the anticipated length of your recovery period.

Can I Use This Procedure to Improve My Body After Pregnancy?

Going through pregnancy is very difficult on your body, and it’s common to have unwanted fat in your abdomen, thighs, and other areas of your body after you give birth. If your family is complete, you may benefit from using this technique to reduce your unwanted fat and help your body recover from your pregnancies.

At Soler Cosmetic Plastic Surgery, we often perform this procedure as part of a mommy makeover package. A mommy makeover is a combination of procedures that will address the unwanted changes in your body and help you look slimmer and more youthful. In addition to reducing your unwanted fat, we may perform a tummy tuck, Brazilian butt lift, and breast lift during a mommy makeover.

Is This Procedure Safe?

This fat reduction method has a favorable safety profile. This technique is one of the most well-known and popular types of cosmetic procedures. In fact, about 1.7 million of these procedures were performed in 2018.

To protect your safety, you should always have an experienced, board-certified doctor perform this procedure. Dr. Pedro M. Soler is a board-certified reconstructive and plastic surgeon. He has more than seventeen years of experience, and he will use these skills and training to improve your body in a precise, careful manner.

Am I a Good Candidate for This Procedure?

If you have fat deposits that are bothering you, you are likely to be eligible for this procedure. In fact, if you are an adult who doesn’t smoke and is at a healthy, stable weight, you may be an ideal candidate.

Although this procedure is very gentle, it’s not right for everyone. This procedure is not intended to be used as a weight-loss method. Instead, this technique reduces stubborn fat deposits that you haven’t been able to change with diet and exercise programs.

The best way to determine if you are a good candidate is to have a consultation with us. During this meeting, you should tell us about any medical conditions that you have. We will use this information to determine whether you are eligible for this fat reduction method.

Enhance Your Body

You can permanently remove your unwanted fat with liposuction. This cosmetic procedure can change your body in a safe, easy manner. To learn more about this fantastic fat reduction option, contact us at Soler Cosmetic Plastic Surgery in Tampa, Florida for an initial consultation today.

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