Breast augmentation, or breast enlargement, is a surgical procedure performed to increase the size and volume of the breasts while also improving their projection. Women often enjoy a renewed sense of satisfaction with their newly streamlined figures after breast augmentation.
Breast augmentation allows women to achieve a fuller, rounder, more symmetrical bustline. Women who need shape restoration after pregnancy or drastic weight loss are often breast surgery candidates.
Choosing to undergo breast augmentation surgery is a deeply personal decision, which is why we take great care to fully discuss every patient’s options in detail with them before the procedure. This helps our patients always make sound, educated decisions.
Are Breast Implants the Only Option?
Breast enlargement is done most often with medical-grade silicone gel-filled implants. Sometimes, breast augmentation surgery can be done with fat that has been taken from another area of the body. The fat is removed from one area and inserted into the breasts to enlarge them.
Some of the most common areas of the body from which fat is taken are:
- The abdomen
- The hips
- The thighs
- The upper arms
If breast implants are used instead of fat, they will be inserted during breast augmentation surgery. Silicone implants are filled with a gel-like substance that feels similar to human fatty tissue. They offer perhaps the most natural look and feel of implant choices.
Is Breast Augmentation the Same as a Breast Lift?
Breast augmentation and a breast lift are different procedures. While breast augmentation has the goal of enlarging the breasts, a breast lift aims to raise breasts that are drooping or sagging.
Many women have what is known as ptotic, or sagging, breasts. This condition can include nipples that point toward the floor instead of out and breasts that seem to sit lower on the chest than they should. Women with ptotic breasts may also notice that the tops of the breasts aren’t as full as they once were.
If you have slightly ptotic breasts, a breast augmentation may be enough to correct the condition. However, if your breasts are significantly sagging and you want perkier, fuller breasts, you most likely need a breast lift along with an augmentation.
Are You a Good Candidate for Breast Augmentation Surgery?
In general, women who are in good physical and mental health make excellent candidates for this type of procedure. However, women who have had breast cancer or abnormal mammograms may not be. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should hold off on having any breast surgeries.
At Soler Cosmetic Plastic Surgery, we always stress to patients that this type of procedure should be done for themselves for their own happiness and not for anyone else. It’s important that candidates not only be in good health but that they also have realistic expectations for breast enlargement.
Good candidates are those with breasts that are fully developed, but in the patient’s opinion, need to be enhanced. In addition, women whose breasts have lost volume because of the aging process or from significant weight loss or pregnancy may also be ideal candidates.
Breast Enlargement Surgery: A Long-Term Solution
Women appreciate the way that breast augmentation restores a more youthful appearance to their shape. The results of this procedure are immediate and long-lasting. Breast implants generally keep their form for about ten years before potentially needing to be replaced.
Patients typically have many questions about the procedure itself and the implants that are used. There are different ways by which implants can be inserted and positioned, and they depend on several factors.
Options for the Implant Pocket
The location of what we call the implant pocket can be in one of two places:
- Beneath the pectoralis major muscle, which lies underneath the breast tissue
- Beneath the breast tissue and above the pectoralis major muscle
Using the area beneath the pectoralis major muscle lessens the likelihood of interference with future mammograms.
Options for Incision Placement
There are, technically, four incision locations available for patients planning breast augmentation. Three of these are the most commonly used locations, and they include:
- Periareolar: Arc around the areola, from the 3:00 position to the 9:00 position
- Inframammary: In the crease just underneath the breast
- Transaxillary: In the armpit where the arm joins to the chest wall
The fourth option that’s rarely used by only a handful of certified surgeons is going through the navel, which is called transumbilical placement.
During your breast augmentation consultation at Soler Cosmetic Plastic Surgery, we’ll talk with you to determine which incision placement works best for your situation.
Breast implants that are filled with silicone gel have been shown to be very safe. If you receive implants, they will be monitored regularly by our staff. We want to make sure that you can enjoy your new figure for many years into the future.
Breast Enlargement in Tampa, FL
If you’re less than ecstatic with the shape and volume of your breasts, whether the cause is aging, significant weight loss, or pregnancy, you might be considering breast augmentation. Reach out to our team today to schedule a consultation and learn all about the procedure.
We will make sure you’re a good candidate for breast augmentation and listen to your concerns and aesthetic goals for the surgery. In addition, we will draft a personalized treatment plan for you that will outline the specifics of your procedure.
Book your breast augmentation consultation with us now. We look forward to meeting you and seeing if breast enlargement is the right solution for your needs.