When considering your physique, there are many aspects you may be able to control entirely with diet and exercise. Some are able to get perfectly flat stomachs on low-carb diets, while others can really pack on the muscle for a high, tight, small butt. Breasts, however, can be difficult to reduce with diet and exercise alone. Breasts are made up of breast tissue, glands, and fat. Even if you lose most of the fat, your breasts may still be larger than you would like. If you’re curious if you could benefit from a breast reduction, there are several advantages to this surgery in Tampa
Cooler Clothing Choices
With Tampa boasting warm weather nearly year-round, being stuck in hot, confining sports bras when you want to be active can be uncomfortable. For women who are self-conscious about their breast size, the temptation to dress in layers to ‘cover up’ can also be very strong. If you are an outdoorsy type, this can leave you vulnerable to heat exhaustion. A breast reduction can allow you to wear smaller, less-constricting bras or even go braless altogether. If you’re tired of feeling constrained by sweaty, sticky clothing choices to contain and cover your cleavage, a reduction can offer a permanent solution.
A Reduction or Cessation of Back Pain
While some back pain is caused by structural issues such as herniated discs or scoliosis, many people suffer from back pain that is entirely muscular in nature. For large-breasted women, the weight of the breasts can cause muscular back pain. If your doctor has advised you that your back is structurally sound and that your back pain is muscular in nature, a breast reduction can make a huge improvement in your discomfort level. It’s possible for a reduction to eliminate back pain entirely, as well. If your muscular back pain is stopping you from enjoying all Tampa has to offer, reduction may be right for you.
Higher Self-Esteem
While the size of a woman’s breasts does not say anything about her personality, intelligence, or sexual habits, some women with large breasts feel judged by others. They may see their large breasts as too provocative or sexual. Some women may feel that their coworkers or potential partners are paying more attention to their chest than to their face or words. If you don’t like the attention or looks your large breasts attract, a breast reduction can help draw that attention elsewhere. This can help you feel better about yourself and have higher self-esteem and confidence.
If you are not happy with your large breasts and the impact they have on your life, there is no reason to continue suffering. Visit Soler Cosmetic Plastic Surgery in Tampa to learn more. We would be happy to review your case and explain all of the options available to you. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!